Driving schools in The Netherlands have to be given a mandate by their learner drivers before that school can apply for driving tests; you’ll need to give this mandate by means of your own personal DigiD.
What is a DigiD?
DigiD stands for Digital Identity and is a system shared between cooperating governmental agencies, allowing to digitally authenticate the identity of a person who applies for a transaction service via internet. With increasing numbers of public authority offices implementing the DigiD system, it is easy to begin using their range of electronic services after first choosing your own login code (user’s name and password) at www.digid.nl. In short: DigiD provides users with a personalized login code for the full spectrum of contact with various governmental bodies.
The Social Insurance Institute (SVB, Sociale Verzekeringsbank), the Centre for Work and Income (CWI, Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen), the Employees’ Insurance and Benefits Office (UWV, Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen), the Tax Authorities (Belastingdienst) and increasing numbers of local authorities are already connected up to DigiD, with many institutions following their example. Progressively more contact with government agencies is possible via the internet.
Examples include local authorities allowing residents to apply for permits via the internet or the Tax Authorities enabling electronic submission of yearly tax declarations. These transactions often include confidential information and to verify that the data transfer is handled correctly, it’s important for the agencies to be able to make sure that you really are who you say you are, thus verifying your identity. This is authentication and allows the authorities to confirm that no-one else is acting under your name.
Your own login code for all government agencies
Whenever visiting a government agency’s service point, your identity is usually verified with the aid of an identity card or passport. This possibility is not available when accessing an agency’s Internet site. Other methods of authentication, such as a username and password will be employed instead. However, if every government agency implemented their own separate means of authentication, it would be necessary to memorize a multitude of login codes for all sorts of different government sites. DigiD, a login-code that anyone with a Social Fiscal number (sofinummer) can apply for, prevents this.
Completing the form and doing business easily
After registering, how do you use your DigiD? Imagine submitting an electronic application for a permit through your local authority’s website. A DigiD login screen will appear, asking for your username and password. If the data is correct, you will be able to proceed in sending the application. Similarly and using the very same login code, you can access electronic services from other government agencies too. This is the great advantage of DigiD: obtaining access to this increasing range of services yet only requiring a single login code.
Examples of services
The number of electronic services available through DigiD is continually increasing. It’s already possible to submit online applications to the Social Insurance Institute (SVB) for child benefit allowances and statutory old age pensions as well as digitally signing a tax declaration at the Tax Authorities (Belastingdienst). You can also contact an increasing number of municipal authorities for internet based services including:
- Requesting a copy of the municipal personal records database
- Applying for various permits
- Notification of a change in address
- Act on the value of real estate
- Paying municipal taxes
- Paying parking fines
Levels of authentication
As previously described, DigiD offers the opportunity to identify yourself online, using a user name and password. In most cases, this means of authentication offers governmental agencies sufficient assurance of your identity, in addition to the registered address at your municipality, to which the code is send. This is a ‘basic’ security level, but in certain instances government agencies obviously require additional means of authentication: these are ‘medium’ or ‘high’ security levels. This could involve the exchange of (more) sensitive private data. It is the government agency however that decides upon which of these security levels it is necessary to authenticate yourself.
SMS authentication
Authentication by SMS is a medium level form of authentication and in addition to your DigiD login code, you will also need a transaction code. Via SMS, DigiD sends this transaction code by SMS to your mobile phone. DigiD will soon extend the medium and high levels of security, using other means of authentication. Depending on the internet service you are using, the government agency will request a basic, medium or high level form of authentication.
Secure transactions
DigiD makes sure that the service it provides is as reliable as possible. After login, a secure connection is safeguarded using Secure Socket Layer (SSL). This is a security technique protecting the flow of data between your computer and DigiD, rendering it unreadable to any prospective third party. Indicating this, a closed lock icon is displayed in your browser window. In addition to this, DigiD has the reliability of the system tested regularly by an independent professional party. These are just two examples of the security measures employed by DigiD.
Protect your data
In brief, DigiD does everything in its power to make the services as reliable as possible. Over and above this you can contribute yourself by staying vigilant keeping your personal details safe and your DigiD code strictly personal. DigiD’s organization or employees will never prompt you to reveal a user name, password, or activation or transaction code. Not by way of e-mail, phone or any other means of communication. Never make these personal details available to others.
A government initiative
DigiD is a government initiative that aims to improve and simplify government internet services. DigiD is implemented by GBO.Overheid (Gemeenschappelijke Beheerorganisatie) and the Dutch Tax Authorities.
Use your DigId to give a mandate to your driving school
Remember that you also have to give your driving school a mandate to apply for driving test for you; this mandate is given by means of your strictly personal Digid (digital identity). You give this mandate by clicking here. For our driving school the required number is 2552A1.
What is a DigiD and how to I get one?
DigiD stands for Digital Identity and is a system shared between cooperating governmental agencies, allowing to digitally authenticate the identity of a person who applies for a transaction service via internet. With increasing numbers of public authority offices implementing the DigiD system, it is easy to begin using their range of electronic services after first choosing your own login code (user’s name and password) at www.DigiD.nl. In short: DigiD provides users with a personalized login code for the full spectrum of contact with various governmental bodies. Click here if you need to apply for a (new) DigId.